
Add a new Gaming user (Joined the MGCB)

Add user to Gaming Livelink first
Run the userauth app/ refresh the Gaming page
Select the user from drop down
Update user status (active), First name… email (all field required except Middle Name)
Click Save button (Saves the user in user, staff, and address table)
Select the user level (s), unit and group (check/uncheck checkbox saves data, no need to press save button)

Note: If you assign more than one unit then ASIS app can have issue

Making Gaming user Inactive

Select the user from drop down
Update user status (inactive), First name… email (all field required except Middle Name)
Click Save button (Updates the user in user, staff, level, group, unit table as inactive)

Updating Existing Gaming User Level/Unit/Group

Select the user from drop down
Enter the transaction comment
Change user access level/unit/group by checking/unchecking the checkbox ( No need to press Save button after change)

Add a new HR/MP user (Joined the MGCB)

Add user to HR/MP Livelink first
Run the userauth app/ refresh the HR/MP page
Select the user from drop down
Update user status (active), First name, last name
Click Save button (Saves the user in staff
Select the user level (s) and group (check/uncheck checkbox saves data, no need to press save button)

Making HR/MP user Inactive

Select the user from drop down
Update user status (inactive)
Click Save button (Updates the staff, level, group table as inactive)

Updating Existing HR/MP User Level/Group

Select the user from drop down
Enter the transaction comment
Change user access level/group by checking/unchecking the checkbox ( No need to press Save button after change)